Eldership is a much denigrated time. Instead of showing the respect that is deserved, ‘old’ people are put on the scrapheap and ignored. This is such a waste of invaluable experience!
This is a time of new freedoms and should be celebrated!
Humankind are almost unique in the event of the menopause, the only other species which pass through this is a type of whale! All other mammals have the ability to procreate until the end of their life. Many women feel that the menopause, whether occurring naturally or brought on by surgery, leaves them incomplete; their childbearing days done, they feel they have lost some of their usefulness.
Given the sometimes uncomfortable symptoms of the menopause and the belief that it may lessen the risk of osteoporosis, some turn to hormone replacement therapy, which continues menstruation past the natural time of menopause. This leaflet is not the place to debate the pros and cons of HT but to examine the positive aspects of the menopause and how we may celebrate the event as a Rite of Passage.
What about the Man?
Although there is no specific indication, such as menopause, when man passes into this stage of life, it may be also appropriate to celebrate his eldership. The passage from father to elder is no less important than that of a woman, it is just more difficult to determine.
Further Information
LifeRites has a network of Registered Celebrants who will be happy to conduct and/or advise on specific or general ceremonies where the individual does not wish to do this themselves.
If you wish to request this service, please contact us with information about your spiritual path (if appropriate), location and date of the ceremony.
We have leaflets dealing with all aspects of eldership – contact us for more details.